Faeryscopes for April 2024

Click on your star sign to read your horoscopes this month!

The devil is in the details this month. Read and re-read any contracts or forms. Read the small print! This month pay attention to the little things. Address small issues etc 

You will find your month opening up toward the end of April! 

Lucky Day:  14th April

Lucky Crystal:  Rhodonite 

As this month starts off with Mercury in retrograde, remember observe don’t absorb! Try not to be reactive around certain people as they will be pushing your buttons!

Ground your energy and get some fresh air & perspective! 

Lucky Day: 22nd April

Lucky Crystal:  Labradorite 

You need to balance your emotional scales this month Gemini! Don’t put yourself under too much pressure. No is a full answer! Text does not convey tone! Walk away if something is causing you grief until you find your patience once more! 

Lucky Day: 28th April

Lucky Crystal:  Rose Quartz 

Mercury in retrograde may make you feel irritable this month! Slow down! Patience is a virtue. You may have to redirect your energy elsewhere. Be assertive and speak your truth. 

Lucky Day: 18th April

Lucky Crystal: Tigers Eye 

You will not be suffering fools this month. It may be time to reinforce your boundaries with someone who is trying your patience. Anger can be a constructive force when tempered! 

Lucky Day: 25th April

Lucky Crystal:  Obsidian 

A white lie is still a lie. Better a painful truth than an honest lie. Rip off that band aid and be honest. Then give the person space to digest the truth. Don’t immediately seek validation or confirmation you’re in the clear. Regardless of circumstances honesty is always the best policy. 

Lucky Day: 29th April

Lucky Crystal: Cherry Quartz 

This is a busy month for you Libra. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Your body needs to be nurtured it is not a machine. If you treat it as such it will invariably break down. Slow & steady wins the race. 

Lucky Day: 19th April

Lucky Crystal:  Black Tourmaline 

Scorchio! I pity the fool that crosses you this month! You are not to be trifled with. This month will see you put your house in order. You may be redecorating or doing an energy cleanse. 

Pay attention to who disappears! 

Lucky Day: 25th April

Lucky Crystal: Rainbow Moonstone 

Old friends may contact you! It’s a great time for a catch up and reminisce once more. Allow yourself some time out or off this month. An afternoon spent with likeminded folk or kin will be enough, to lift your spirits in ways you never knew you needed! 

Lucky Day: 27th April

Lucky Crystal: Hyperstene 

You may feel like going through someone for a shortcut this month! Breathe! It’s just a bad day not a bad life! Try get outside in nature to ground your energy! 

Lucky Day: 11th April

Lucky Crystal: Boji Stones 

Take a soothing bath , adding crystals such as clear quartz & amethyst to cleanse your energy! Listen to your body this month. You may need an early night. Eat nourishing meals and hydrate!! Your body is talking to you, are you listening? 

Lucky Day: 23rd April

Lucky Crystal: Desert Rose 

You may have holiday plans or are trying to save! It’s a great time to look at where you are with your savings. Once you ground yourself with your finances you will be able to plan the year ahead! 

Lucky Day: 26th April

Lucky Crystal: Sapphire 

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